Students often commit a few common mistakes in HSC bifocal classes due to a lack of foundation and guidance. A good mentor and clear approach to the subject can help you score 190+. CS and Electronics are entirely new to HSC students. Strategic preparation for HSC bifocal subjects will help you easily score 90% and lay a strong foundation for engineering aspirants. The bifocal subjects have a weightage of 200 marks. While 100 marks are for practicals, the remaining 100 marks are given for theory. 

How to Prepare For HSC Bifocal Classes?

Obtaining a high score in HSC bifocal subjects is not as complex as it seems. However, a clear-cut strategy coupled with consistent efforts is sure to give you the desired results. 

Analyze the syllabus

The syllabus of bifocal subjects in HSC is very minimal. It covers only basic concepts and doesn’t go deep into the core concepts. Yet, it is important to start with comprehending the syllabus to avoid common mistakes committed by the students. First of all, go through the syllabus copy and previous year question papers to assess the complexity of the subjects. It gives you a clear understanding of what to read and what to avoid. 

Schedule your study hours

Since the weightage of bifocal subjects is 200 marks, it requires equal attention as other subjects. Hence, break down your study schedule accordingly. Allocate equal amounts of time for your conventional and bifocal subjects. Also, include both theory and practicals part in your study schedule to avoid missing any topics. 

Take classes

Every student has their own weak point in all the subjects. Since bifocal subjects are new to HSC level students, it might be difficult to understand them initially. It takes a good amount of practice and experienced mentor guidance to master certain topics. 

Good practice can only help you learn topics that you have already understood. But, only a mentor can provide expert guidance and show you the right path to success. Hence, do not hesitate to seek academic help. Join classes if you deem it necessary or think it is difficult to handle the subject alone. 

If you think you need additional assistance from subject experts, it is better to join subject-specific courses. Paturkarclasses provide personalized guidance with great attention to each individual. 


It is better to start your preparation earlier than to suffer at the end. Begin your preparation at the earliest. The quicker you finish your syllabus, the more you can revise. Revision is the key to success and high scores in exams. During revision, lay equal emphasis on practicals and practising part of problems and programs. A 360-degree approach to each subject helps you attend all the questions in your exam. 


Every student has access to the same resources. But, what matters in the end result is how you have made use of them. Believe in smart work and prepare each subject from a strategic point of view rather than mugging up day-in and day-out. Take a look at the syllabus, create a study schedule, do group studies, seek mentor help, and manage your time effectively. Also, do not forget to revise and avoid overdoing anything. 

Do not hesitate to seek additional guidance out of your school. Unlike in schools, mentors assist you personally and give additional attention in tutorial classes. You understand and remember the subject more when you understand it better. Paturkarclasses, thus, aim to simplify the subject to students. It helps you understand the subject more simply and perform well in your exam. 

